Mens/Family Breakfast
We don't operate as a club or committee and our goal is not fund-raising. It is though, the promotion of friendship and fellowship and we are welcoming of anyone wishing to come out and enjoy without obligation. There is a per person charge of $5.00 on a cost recovery basis. At times there are small surplus amounts after all supplies and necessary items have been paid for. Small donations have been made after prayerful consideration to a variety of deserving causes over the years.
Many volunteers contribute to the smooth, efficient, coordinated management of the Men's Breakfast meetings. Our ability to function occurs through the much appreciated help of our two long serving Chefs, Ian and Cal, along with their helpers who arrive very early and work quickly as a team in preparing the set-up and clean-up of a consistently delicious breakfast. We are also thankful for the callers who remind people of upcoming speakers and report to our Chefs on expected attendance, our bookkeeper/treasurer, the musical leaders and directors, those who open and close with prayers and those who inspire us with their "thought for the day". As always we're pleased to have with us our "official greeter" with coffee in hand - Wayne.
To everyone involved, please continue your support. Your efforts are noticed and your contribution is part of our continuing success. To those wishing to joining us from time to time, (women and men,) please do. Come once, come often, you will always be welcome among friends.
On behalf of St. Paul's Men's Breakfast Group